Saturday, August 29, 2009


I "bloglifted" this from my Aunt Julie! I thought it was soo good, I just had to post on my blog as well!

Boomerangs have been used for generations both as a weapon and for sport. Most of us are familiar with how these wooden, angular objects, when thrown correctly, fly right back to the thrower. But boomerangs aren’t the only things in life that behave this way.

One of Aesop’s fables tells of an ant who falls into a fountain and is about to drown when a dove, watching from a tree above, drops a leaf into the water. The grateful ant climbs on it and floats to safety.

Just then the ant sees a hunter approaching with a net to catch the unsuspecting dove. The ant quickly bites the hunter on the ankle, causing him to drop the net and allowing the dove to escape.

Good deeds, like boomerangs, come back to us. This truth, which has been called the boomerang principle, is evident throughout our daily experience. We witness it on playgrounds and in corporate offices, in schools and stores and streets. When you interact with someone and strive to extend respect and friendliness, most respond in kind.

Of course, the opposite is also true: rudeness usually generates rudeness; anger tends to lead to more anger. More often than not, we find that our thoughts, attitudes, and actions are stamped with “return to sender.”

It may not happen immediately or directly. And it’s true that some people choose to hate even those who love them, just as some people continue to patiently love even those who despitefully use them. But eventually and overall, we will get back what we give out.

If we want kindness, we extend kindness. If we want more love, we give love more freely. If we want friendliness, forgiveness, and compassion, we offer the same to others. What we send out will come back to us, just like a boomerang." --Lloyd Newell


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Like Mom....

The other day Addison was walking around the house with one of the foam paint brushes that I use to paint my signs. She found the package of new ones and helped to herself to a brush. She then started to "paint" the wall and carpet with her brush! It was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! She was copying me--such a bittersweet moment! It made me tear up but I was so happy at the same time. It's hard to explain. Yesterday I was using my cricut to cut out some vinyl and she was in the room helping. She has her own cricut mat and gets to play with the scrap vinyl. She was trying to put some of her vinyl on her mat while I was putting my vinyl on my mat.. Again--SOOO ADORABLE. I just love her!

Wish I would have gotten some better pictures, but everytime she sees me taking a picture she comes towards me!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little Chefs

We LOVE cooking!

Getting out the sugar.....

Finding the perfect pan


Cindy Lou Who!

Addison's hair is finally long enough we can do a little ponytail! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :) My brother, Brent, said that she looks like a Who from Dr. Seuss! LOL So now I call her my Cindy Lou Who!



I just got back from a park and meet a super nice mom and her cute twin girls. The twins had fun playing with them! And they were about a month apart which is nice! I was going to ask is she wanted to meet up sometime, but I totally froze and wasn't sure what to say! That have happen to anyone? Now I'm really kicking myself and wishing that I would have said something! GRR...Why can't I be more assertive.....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to the Nut House!

To say tonight has been crazy, would be an understatement! Addison was apparently not happy with her dinner of steak, cauliflower, applesauce and a roll because shortly after Derrick and I sat down to eat she started screaming. We tried to offer her different food we know she likes (puffs, cottage cheese) but to no avail! I put her in the tub hoping that it would calm her down since she loves the play in the water and while daddy BBQ'd we been playing in the sandbox, so she had sand EVERYWHERE! Well she was not about to be in the tub--I did get the sand out of the nooks and crannies though! I held Addison and daddy gave Aiden a bath. Addi decided she would take a bath too since brother was in the tub. Derrick offered to let me go finish my dinner since I still had most of my steak left, but I decided to check my email. When Addison got out, Derrick yelled out to me, "Naked girl on the loose". She stood at the doorway to the bathroom, looked back at Derrick and peed--not just a little puddle, but a BIG puddle. Got that cleaned up and took Addi to the kitchen where I found Charlie on top of the table polishing off my steak! He has never done that before! So, he is now in his kennel and the children are all diapered. I'm exhausted!! Welcome to our life!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Signature Test

So you've probably noticed that I've had a variety of signatures! I've been trying to find the "right" one. I'm hoping this is the one! We'll see how it turns out!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Handy Trick - Impress your Friends!

Print your own postage for packages!! Just go the USPS website and click the "Print Postage" button at the top. (Circled in picture below)

Then you can create an account (or sign into your existing account). You just fill out all the shipping information and the weight of your package and then TA-DA! You have postage options. Express Mail, Priority Mail, Overnight Mail, Flat Rate Shipping--they are all there!
You just pick the option you want and then you can print your package label! And here's the really EXCITING part! You get a discount on the postage rates!! Click on the picture above to get a better view, but they show you the discount. AND--as if this isn't already enough, Delivery Confirmation (my favorite service) is FREE online!!! WAHOO!!! Also, you can request a carrier pick up so the mailman or lady will come and pick up your package from your mailbox or doorstep! AWESOMELY AWESOME! I have used this service sooo many times! It's a great time saver for all the packages I've been sending out with Conixon Creations and I don't have to worry about standing in the PO line with the twins. (Sounds like a crazy adventure!)

A few tips---
  • Make sure you select the right date for shipping the package. For example if it's late Tuesday night, don't select Tuesday as the ship date--it won't be going on in the mail that day! Select Wednesday! I always make the ship date the date I'm going to have the our mail carrier pick up the package. Plus, this lets you accurately judge how quickly the package arrives
  • Priority Mail takes about 2-3 days! Wickedly quick!
  • Make sure that you accurately weigh your package--not fair for you to get a cheaper ship price and the mail carrier to have to carry something heavier than expected! Plus, they may deliver your package with postage due--not nice for the person on the receiving end!
If you have any questions or need help, let me know!! :) I just love doing things online!!

Birthday Pictures

We had a great 1st birthday party. We had a BBQ in the backyard and lots of family and friends! It was windy, but it wouldn't be an Ellensburg party without the wind. Here are a few pictures from our day!

Addison LOVED to play in the ice water! Silly girl!

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My Lil' Monkey

Addison is such a lil' monkey! She climbs onto anything and everything! Check out some of her adventures!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Okay, I'll admit

I am a HUGE Procrastinator and I definitely need to post--I've been slacking!!! I promise to post SOON. I have lots to post about too--the twin's bday party, the Kenny Chesney concert, other fun activities around the house, and a helpful trick! Hopefully I'll tackle this tomorrow--I'm off to bed now! Just wanted to let ya'all know I'm alive!

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